Meaning "Peace be upon you". The Olomouc Muslim Community (OMC) warmly welcomes you to our new website. We are a small community, mostly made up of English-speaking students from the medical faculty at Palacký University in Olomouc. This website is designed to organise our community, allow access to the weekly Friday sermon, provide monthly prayer time schedules, reservations for halal meat orders and much more. Please use the side bar to navigate through the various pages.
Current Jummah prayer time
13:30 is the regular time when the khutba (sermon) begins and 13:50 is when the jamaat (congregation) is scheduled to begin. It is advised to come as early as possible in case the khutba is short.
Jummah takes place at Al-Firdaus every Friday unless otherwise specified. Any changes to the timing and location will be updated on our Official WhatsApp group.
Sisters are always welcome to Al-Firdaus and will be accommodated for.
Al-Firdaus, from Arabic word meaning "The Paradise", more specifically refers to the highest level of paradise in Islam. It is also the name of our small, community prayer room located at the heart of the Olomouc city centre. We offer regular Friday prayers and Eid prayers as well as small social events and gatherings, which will be announced here and on our official WhatsApp group. Occasionally some of the regular daily prayers in congregation might take place, subject to whoever volunteers in leading them.
OMC Official
WhatsApp group
Serves for regular updates regarding
Al-Firdaus, prayer time announcements and other important information. For a separate discussion group please visit the contact page for a link to join.